

EGSTON System Electronics Eggenburg GmbH
Grafenbergerstrasse 37
3730 Eggenburg
Austria, Europe

T  +43 2984 22 26-0
F  +43 2984 22 26-1293

Our office hours are Monday to Thursday, 08:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m. and Friday from 08:00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m.

Names of person authorised to represent the company:
General Manager Frank Wolfinger MSc

Entry in the register:
Registration Court Krems/Donau
FN 282750i

VATIN: ATU62811014
Data Protection Register Number: 3001343

Legal Form: GmbH

Purpose of Business: Electrical Goods Trade, Electrical Engineering, Electromechanical Engineering, Automation Technology

Commercial Regulations: Trade Regulation (

Member of WK Niederösterreich, FG Maschinen & Metallwaren, FV Elektro – und Elektronikindustrie, LG Elektro- und Einrichtungsfachhandel

Trade Authorization Number: 311-HOW1-G-06212, 311-HOW1-G-12149,

Trade Authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Horn

Webdesign, Web-Development, Text & Project Management by DKT

Disclosure in Accordance with §5 E-Commerce Gesetz und Mediengesetz §25
